Down train on Dduallt Tank Curve.

Down train on Dduallt Tank Curve.
Down train on Dduallt Tank Curve.
Down train on Dduallt Tank Curve.
Geolocation data
(52°57′30″N, 3°58′43″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Down train on Dduallt Tank Curve.
Dduallt Tank Curve, 7 August 1935. View from Down passenger train on Tank Curve Crossing. Unusual train formation with a brake van midway through the train. This usually meant the inclusion of the quarrymen's train. The locomotive is Taliesin (II).

The carriages include two Bowsiders, Ashbury carriages Nos 22 & 21, ex-WHR Ashbury Summer carriage No. 23, Small Birmingham 4-wheeler 'porthole' carriages Nos 12 & 11 hidden behind the foliage, Curly Roofed Van No. 3, Brown Marshalls bogie carriage No. 15, and a pair of mk3 quarrymen's carriages.

Source. H.F.Wheeller 13/5 courtesy of his estate

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