Feldbahn Bogie Waggons in the ex-LNWR Exchange Yard.

Feldbahn Bogie Waggons in the ex-LNWR Exchange Yard.
Feldbahn Bogie Waggons in the ex-LNWR Exchange Yard.
Feldbahn Bogie Waggons in the ex-LNWR Exchange Yard.
Geolocation data
(52°59′46″N, 3°56′40″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Feldbahn Bogie Waggons in the ex-LNWR Exchange Yard.
Feldbahn Bogie Waggons in the ex-LNWR Exchange Yard, Blaenau Ffestiniog, 24 May 1947. These were ex-German Military vehicles purchased for Brookes granite traffic. Note that whilst of similar overall construction, each waggon is mounted on different pattern bogies. Those under the vehicle in full view look like the most common Feldbahn type, whilst those fitted under the waggon to the left are probably the bogies that survived into preservation in use under ex-RAF Lichfield Bocoal No. 68. These are noticeably lower, and are fitted with dual coil spring suspension. The larger bogies only have a single coil spring, although overall they do appear to be of more robust construction, the suspension acting within simple horn guides, allowing the axle boxes vertical movements between them. One of these bogies, or one from a similar waggon, was used for the construction of Moelwyn's front pony truck. Both waggons have hand-braked bogies on their bottom ends.

These waggons are parked at the end of the narrow-gauge siding that ran along the northern side of the goods shed. In the background can be glimpsed the standard-gauge lines leading towards the Oakeley Wharf and the north-western most narrow-gauge wharf lines situated close to the Pen y Bont branch line to Glan y Don tip. The incline and quarrymen's zig zags up to Oakeley Gloddfa Ganol are prominent on the skyline.

Source. LGRP 2405

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