Derelict Porthmadog Harbour Station.

Derelict Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Derelict Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Derelict Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Geolocation data
(52°55′26″N, 4°7′35″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Derelict Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Derelict Porthmadog Harbour Station during the closure period, 1948. Curly Roofed Van No. 3 and Covered Goods Van No. 63 are at the far end of the platform road. Slate and mineral waggons in the sidings, many of them wooden. Derailed slab waggon on 2-Road. Remains of the locomotive water tank and slate sheds in the background.

Source. LGRP 17980

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