Bleasdale No.22 Outside the Running Sheds, Boston Lodge Works

Bleasdale No.22 Outside the Running Sheds, Boston Lodge Works
Bleasdale No.22 Outside the Running Sheds, Boston Lodge Works
Bleasdale No.22 Outside the Running Sheds, Boston Lodge Works
Geolocation data
(52°55′13″N, 4°6′21″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Bleasdale No.22 Outside the Running Sheds, Boston Lodge Works
The old locomotive shed photographed in August 1887. This photograph is Plate 20 in the Spooner Album. Princess, Taliesin (I), and Merddin Emrys outside the engine shed. Princess with No. 1 tender stands on the site of Boston Lodge signal box. Disc signal behind. Water tank stands above main line abo on shed. Sand oven chimney beyond this? Indicator signal for halt or for line to T/T visible in distance.

Source. Bleasdale
FR Catalogue. BL/P/02A
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