Bleasdale No.19 Porthmadog Terminus and Train

Bleasdale No.19 Porthmadog Terminus and Train
Bleasdale No.19 Porthmadog Terminus and Train
Bleasdale No.19 Porthmadog Terminus and Train
Geolocation data
(52°55′26″N, 4°7′34″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Bleasdale No.19 Porthmadog Terminus and Train
Livingston Thompson and train at Porthmadog Harbour Station, photographed in August 1887. This photograph is Plate 17 in the Spooner Album. The visible passenger section consists of a third class Small Birmingham, semi-open No. 12 or 13, Bowsider bogie carriages Nos 17 & 18 and of the large Brown Marshalls bogie vans. Note the masts and rigging of the slate schooners in the Harbour behind the station building.

Source. Bleasdale
FR Catalogue. PT/LT/03A

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