Livingston Thompson on the Cob.

Livingston Thompson on the Cob.
Livingston Thompson on the Cob.
Livingston Thompson on the Cob.
Geolocation data
(52°55′25″N, 4°7′28″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Livingston Thompson on the Cob.
Livingston Thompson on the Cob during August in the the summer of 1887. The photographer is stood at the station throat at Porthmadog Harbour. The locomotive was still brand new at this time and this profile demonstrates the ultimate evolution of G.P. Spooner's elegant house style that Boston Lodge gradually applied to the other Double Fairlies.

It had an overall cab from new. The smokebox number plates show off the No. 3 (the railway clearly wanted a continuous series absent of gaps). The combined regular wheel apparatus seen on the other two Double Fairlies at this time has not been fitted, in practice each engine was better adjusted independently. The cast chimneys are lipped, not the stovepipe type previously employed. In time both of the earlier locomotives would be rebuilt to closely resemble the style seen here, although certain differences remained, especially the water tanks which were noticeably longer, and the roofline which was noticeably shallower.

Source. FRCo. Spooner Album SA7.

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