Bessie Jones at Tan y Bwlch Station.

Bessie Jones at Tan y Bwlch Station.
Bessie Jones at Tan y Bwlch Station.
Bessie Jones at Tan y Bwlch Station.
Geolocation data
(52°57′16″N, 4°0′38″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Bessie Jones at Tan y Bwlch Station.
Bessie Jones at Tan y Bwlch standing outside the station building, June 1936. Up mixed train in the background. The rear passenger vehicle is Brown Marshalls Van No. 4. This is followed by approximately twenty five empty slate waggons (many of them 3-ton vehicles), and single balcony brake van No. 5 (mk3 quarrymen's conversion).

Source. G Adams
FR Catalogue. TY/P/10C

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