Prince in Boston Lodge Bottom Yard.

Prince in Boston Lodge Bottom Yard.
Prince in Boston Lodge Bottom Yard.
Prince in Boston Lodge Bottom Yard.
Geolocation data
(52°55′9″N, 4°6′24″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Prince in Boston Lodge Bottom Yard.
Prince in Boston Lodge Bottom Yard, August 1955. The locomotive has only just been returned to steam, note the wooden nameplates and ex-NWNG chopper couplings. The figures are likely to be Fred Boughey in the overalls and Allan Garraway on the right. The Cleminson waggon No. 8 and the weed-killer waggon (complete with balcony railing) are in the background. The locomotive is on 3-Road.

The Hudson Toastrack bogie carriage frame in the foreground might be waggon No. 67, which became the new weed-killing waggon, in doing so being fitted with the chemical tank seen here on the older vehicle. This chassis is almost certainly the Hudson underframe seen at Harbour Station during the closure, it is not one of the carriages (Nos 37 & 42) left on the entrance line to Glan y Mor Yard. It had already been converted into a flat waggon well before the line closed. Note the corrugated sheet on the left between Prince and the Long Shed which is probably the roof for the Cleminson waggon.

Source. P Jamieson

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