Prince on shed at Boston Lodge.

Prince on shed at Boston Lodge.
Prince on shed at Boston Lodge.
Prince on shed at Boston Lodge.
Geolocation data
(52°55′10″N, 4°6′25″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Prince on shed at Boston Lodge.
Prince on shed during ashing out at Boston Lodge beside the outside pit, 11 September 1955. The locomotive is fitted with wooden name plates and NWNG chopper couplings. Furthermore, the steel tender still retains brake gear, which would soon be removed.

The coal waggon on the left is a 2-ton iron type, and is being used for coaling of the locomotive. This and other old company coal waggons would be the primary means of refuelling locomotives for the next fifteen years until oil firing became the standard practice.

The gate valve - either 4" or 6" discarded on the floor is probably connected with the water treatment plant that stood at the edge of the sand pit area, and was being dismantled at the time.

Source. V Bradley (N3017)

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