Mountaineer and ballast train at Tan y Bwlch.

Mountaineer and ballast train at Tan y Bwlch.
Mountaineer and ballast train at Tan y Bwlch.
Mountaineer and ballast train at Tan y Bwlch.
Geolocation data
(52°57′16″N, 4°0′40″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Mountaineer and ballast train at Tan y Bwlch.
The ALCo Mountaineer and ballast train at Tan y Bwlch Station, July 1973. The train includes granite side tipper waggons Nos 160 & 161 (historic numbers 846/830), granite waggons (converted from 3-ton slates), and newer RAF waggons. Note the yellow WW 'sharks teeth' on the first RAF in the rake and again on the RAF in the siding amongst the trees. This signifies that the rear door on these waggons are not removable. Waggons Nos 83 and 93 contain what appears to be shale, rather than fresh ballast.

Deviation works trains on this sort were regularly run on Friday evenings from Minffordd to Dduallt. Other features on display include Ruston & Hornsby locomotive Alistair in the sidings with a works train, and a Morris Marina and Triumph Toledo parked on the right.

Station Master John Harrison is standing to the right of Mountaineer. The impressive station lamp in the foreground belonged to him.

Source. A Stirling (C12)

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