Carriages inside Boston Lodge Engine Shed.

Carriages inside Boston Lodge Engine Shed.
Carriages inside Boston Lodge Engine Shed.
Carriages inside Boston Lodge Engine Shed.
Geolocation data
(52°55′14″N, 4°6′19″W)
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Carriages inside Boston Lodge Engine Shed.
Carriages inside Boston Lodge Engine Shed, August 1959. Mk3 Quarrymen's Carriage No. 8 being rebuilt on old tin shed road, along with Bowsider bogie carriage No. 19 with bottom end bogie removed, frame propped on sleeper stack in foreground. The message on the carriage reads 'Bogie springs in rear shop'. This Bowsider spent the closure outside in the yard, unlike its sisters, and as a result required a lot of repair. The other three carriages were in service by this time.

Source. Roger Kidner

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