Boston Lodge Bottom Yard.

Boston Lodge Bottom Yard.
Boston Lodge Bottom Yard.
Boston Lodge Bottom Yard.
Geolocation data
(52°55′10″N, 4°6′25″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Boston Lodge Bottom Yard.
Boston Lodge Bottom Yard during the early days of preservation in 1955. The figure in the beret walking away from the Erecting Shop is possibly a young Arwyn Morgan.

There are a number of interesting items of rolling stock on display. On the left are seen Brown Marshalls Van No. 4, removed from the Engine Shed where it had been stored during the closure period, together with double balcony Brake Van No. 6 (mk3 quarrymen conversion and soon to be renumbered 1).

Parked on 2-Road is a FR built 3-ton slate waggon, the weed-killer waggon, the bare chassis of one of the Hudson Toastrack carriages (probably that kept at Harbour Station during the closure period and subsequently numbered 67, becoming the new weed-killing waggon), and parked right outside the Erecting Shop doors, the large gunpowder van now known as No. 152.

Lurking within 3-Road Erecting Shop can be glimpsed Prince's tender, the locomotive being in the latter stages of overhaul, dating this scene to early summer. Note the waggon turntable on 3-Road, giving access to the right angled track that heads off towards the Top Yard. A wooden 2-ton slate waggon is parked on this track where it intersects with 1-Road, with various wheelsets and one of the bomb trolleys strewn about.

Source. Travel Lens 399/97

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