Taliesin (II) at Harbour Station, Porthmadog on 11.50am ex Blaenau.

Taliesin (II) at Harbour Station, Porthmadog on 11.50am ex Blaenau.
Taliesin (II) at Harbour Station, Porthmadog on 11.50am ex Blaenau.
Taliesin (II) at Harbour Station,  Porthmadog on 11.50am ex Blaenau.
Geolocation data
(52°55′25″N, 4°7′37″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Taliesin (II) at Harbour Station, Porthmadog on 11.50am ex Blaenau.
Taliesin (II) at Harbour Station, Porthmadog on 11.50am ex Blaenau, 26 August 1937. The fireman is G. Harry Jones. The train includes three Small Birmingham 4-wheelers, ex-WHR Ashbury summer carriage No. 23, Bowsider 19 or 20, Ashbury bogie carriages Nos 21 & 22, Bowsider 17 or 18, and Brown Marshalls No. 4.

Source. LCGB Ken Nunn 6769.
AG Slide. FR/079
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