James Spooner at Minffordd Weighbridge Crossing.

James Spooner at Minffordd Weighbridge Crossing.
James Spooner at Minffordd Weighbridge Crossing.
James Spooner at Minffordd Weighbridge Crossing.
Geolocation data
(52°55′32″N, 4°5′12″W)
Item details
iBase ID
James Spooner at Minffordd Weighbridge Crossing.
James Spooner at Minffordd Weighbridge Crossing, with a 9.30am Down passenger train, 13 August 1913. One of the large Brown Marshall bogie vans (No. 4 or 5) leads the set, followed Brown Marshalls bogie carriages Nos 16 & 15 and Ashbury No. 22, with Small Birmingham 4-wheelers bringing up the rear. Note the disc signal cleared for the Mineral Line. A separate disc in the background controls the mainline.

Source. LCGB Ken Nunn 1581

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