XD97/435812 - Plan of area from Toll Gate to Engine Sheds at Boston Lodge

XD97/435812 - Plan of area from Toll Gate to Engine Sheds at Boston Lodge
XD97/435812 - Plan of area from Toll Gate to Engine Sheds at Boston Lodge
XD97/435812 - Plan of area from Toll Gate to Engine Sheds at Boston Lodge
Geolocation data
(52°55′13″N, 4°6′21″W)
Item details
iBase ID
XD97/435812 - Plan of area from Toll Gate to Engine Sheds at Boston Lodge
Festiniog Railway. Boston Lodge premises. (Shows the Tollgate, Engine
House, Smithy, Workshop, Boiler House, Weighing Office & Works Manager's Office) early 1870s
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