Bleasdale No.42 The Running-Shed at Dinas

Bleasdale No.42 The Running-Shed at Dinas
Bleasdale No.42 The Running-Shed at Dinas
Bleasdale No.42 The Running-Shed at Dinas
Geolocation data
(53°0′5″N, 3°56′42″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Bleasdale No.42 The Running-Shed at Dinas
The engine shed at Dinas looking north, photographed in August 1887. This photograph is Plate 35 in the Spooner Album. Engine shed foreground with person standing outside. Down disc signal middle distance and viaduct in distance. LNWR crossing box and signals left of centre, LNW signals 2 arm slotted.

FR Catalogue DN/05A

Source. Bleasdale.
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