Moel Tryfan with a mixed train at Snowdon Station.

Moel Tryfan with a mixed train at Snowdon Station.
Moel Tryfan with a mixed train at Snowdon Station.
Moel Tryfan with a mixed train at Snowdon Station.
Geolocation data
(53°3′4″N, 4°8′0″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Moel Tryfan with a mixed train at Snowdon Station.
Moel Tryfan with a mixed train at Snowdon Station, August 1922. The train comprises one of the Pickering Brake Composites (not yet cut down for FR traffic but fitted with enamel class plates) and two ex-NWNGR waggons. The rearmost is one of the box slate waggons, whilst the slightly larger braked No. 58 is probably a mineral type. This scene is in very early WHR days when the railway was only running along the NWNGR section (re-opened at most a couple of weeks prior to this photograph being taken) and yet to open through to Porthmadog. The ground frame with the token operated lock is in the foreground. The sidings for goods traffic were situated at the headshunt at the southern end of the station.

Source. LGRP 9007 C.R. Clinker

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