Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn.

Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn.
Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn.
Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn.
Geolocation data
(52°55′20″N, 4°7′50″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn.
Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn, 19 September 1895. All of the visible wharves are heavily stacked with slate, and South Snowdon Wharf has a large number of slate waggons on the sidings. It is fascinating to see the site still in use as a shipyard. Two sailing vessels are in the early stages of construction amongst the assorted timber (one has only just had the keel laid down). A third possible vessel much closer to completion can be glimpsed adjacent to Harbour Station. Sailing schooners are moored up awaiting slate cargo, along with one of the port's paddle steamer tugs (probably Wave of Life).

Looking at Harbour Station, a train of mk3 quarrymen's carriages can be seen in the outermost siding, with bogie passenger stock (including one of the curly roofed vans) stabled on 4-Road. The white painted section of the Cob fence (ref. Bleasdale photographs) is very evident in this view.

Source. Kirklees Cultural Services
HGB 0497

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