Porthmadog Harbour Station.

Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Geolocation data
(52°55′26″N, 4°7′35″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Porthmadog Harbour Station, 1934. The locomotive on the recently arrived Down train is Taliesin (II). The train comprises Bogie Van No. 2, Bowsider No. 18, Ashbury carriages Nos 22 & 21, ex-WHR Ashbury summer carriage No. 23, and two Small Birmingham 4-wheelers; matchboard 3rd class No. 5 and porthole semi-open No. 11. In the siding on the right are Bowsider No. 19 or 20, and 3rd class Small Birmingham No. 4.

The white barge board and drain pipe on the station building along with the bright carriage livery help date the scene. Note how the notice board has been changed from to LM&SR which, whilst not technically correct, meant that the old sign could be kept without having to change too many letters.

Source. R.W. Kidner

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