Baldwin 590 crossing Porthmadog High Street.

Baldwin 590 crossing Porthmadog High Street.
Baldwin 590 crossing Porthmadog High Street.
Baldwin 590 crossing Porthmadog High Street.
Geolocation data
(52°55′29″N, 4°7′41″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Baldwin 590 crossing Porthmadog High Street.
Baldwin 590 crossing Porthmadog High Street onto Madoc Street, 8 August 1935. The passenger train comprises Ashbury corridor carriage No. 25 (single safety bars, large iron grab handles), and Pickering Brake Composite No. 9 (single window bars). Photographs taken further into the journey show an ex-WD PW trolley at the rear of this train, but it could have been attached at the rear along the way. The motor car parked on Madoc Street is a Vauxhall Cadet VY.

Source. H.F.Wheeller 13/21 courtesy of his estate

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