James Spooner at Minffordd Station.

James Spooner at Minffordd Station.
James Spooner at Minffordd Station.
James Spooner at Minffordd Station.
Geolocation data
(52°55′33″N, 4°5′4″W)
Item details
iBase ID
James Spooner at Minffordd Station.
James Spooner at Minffordd Station on a Down train (9.30 am Duffws - Porthmadog), 14 August 1913. Large Brown Marshalls Van No. 4 or 5 leading the train, followed by bogie carriages Nos 16 & 15, Ashbury No. 22, and three Small Birmingham 4-wheeler carriages (including one of the porthole carriages still fitted with large glazed windows). Note how 15 & 16 can be distinguished by the double window bars fitted to No. 15's middle compartment, whilst No. 16 retains the single bar as built.

Source. LCGB Ken Nunn. 1580

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