Hen Efail Road Overbridge, Gorsedda Tramway.

Hen Efail Road Overbridge, Gorsedda Tramway.
Hen Efail Road Overbridge, Gorsedda Tramway.
Hen Efail Road Overbridge, Gorsedda Tramway.
Geolocation data
(52°57′16″N, 4°11′5″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Hen Efail Road Overbridge, Gorsedda Tramway.
Hen Efail Road Overbridge, Gorsedda Tramway, March 1946. The photographer is stood on top of the tunnel looking south-west down the cutting. At the end of this long straight, the tramway turns sharply East towards Penmorfa.

Source. Tom Davies Collection
J.I.C.B. LGRP No. 19937

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