Bleasdale No.23 Sidings and Goods Sheds Minffordd Junction

Bleasdale No.23 Sidings and Goods Sheds Minffordd Junction
Bleasdale No.23 Sidings and Goods Sheds Minffordd Junction
Bleasdale No.23 Sidings and Goods Sheds Minffordd Junction
Geolocation data
(52°55′35″N, 4°5′18″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Bleasdale No.23 Sidings and Goods Sheds Minffordd Junction
Goods shed and yard sidings at Minffordd, photographed in August 1887. This photograph is Plate 21 in the Spooner Album. 'Flour Shed' in middle distance.

Source. Bleasdale.
FR Catalogue. MN/02A.
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