Prince at Duffws Station.

Prince at Duffws Station.
Prince at Duffws Station.
Prince at Duffws Station.
Geolocation data
(52°59′41″N, 3°56′5″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Prince at Duffws Station.
Prince at Duffws Station, 26 August 1929. The locomotive sports a green tank, black panels with yellow lining each side. The cab rain strip is missing. Tom Davies stands in the cab. The shadow on the left is cast by the goods shed. Looking underneath Queen's Bridge, the footbridge at the GWR Exchange Station is visible in the distance. The water trail from the injector overflow pipe indicates the locomotive is moving forward ready to to couple onto stock in the platform road.

Source. JR Hollick. AG Copyright.
FR Catalogue. DF/PC/02/C

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