Palmerston just arrived at Duffws Station.

Palmerston just arrived at Duffws Station.
Palmerston just arrived at Duffws Station.
Palmerston just arrived at Duffws Station.
Geolocation data
(52°59′42″N, 3°56′4″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Palmerston just arrived at Duffws Station.
Palmerston just arrived at Duffws Station, August 1929. The locomotive is directly coupled to the Bowsider bogie carriage, which raises questions given that in theory the couplings were not easily compatible (which is why passenger trains almost always included 4-wheelers between the locomotive and bogie stock). Presumably there is a link hanging underneath the carriage's chopper coupling. Brown Marshalls Van No. 5 is the second vehicle in this very short train.

Source. JR Hollick now A Vaughan Collection.
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