Quarrymen's train departing Duffws.

Quarrymen's train departing Duffws.
Quarrymen's train departing Duffws.
Quarrymen's train departing Duffws.
Geolocation data
(52°59′41″N, 3°56′9″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Quarrymen's train departing Duffws.
Prince or Princess leaving Duffws Station with the quarrymen's train. Photograph taken from Queen's Bridge during the 1910's. The locomotive has been turned to face downhill. The train consists of a Curly Roofed Van, a pair of Ashbury 4-wheelers (probably Nos 10 & 14 fitted with dual central windows making up the Parliamentary section of the train, also used by quarry management) and mk3 quarrymen's carriages. Rake of coal waggons far right. High roof gunpowder waggon right of the goods shed, along with what looks like an iron dandy waggon. The semaphore signals are still in place.

Source. JC Wilkins.
FR Catalogue. DF/PC/CQ/03/B
FR Negative. JCL 41

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