James Spooner at Duffws Station.

James Spooner at Duffws Station.
James Spooner at Duffws Station.
James Spooner at Duffws Station.
Geolocation data
(52°59′41″N, 3°56′5″W)
Item details
iBase ID
James Spooner at Duffws Station.
James Spooner at Duffws Station, 1911. Lined livery with FRCo crests on cab side very clear. Post re-build, now similar in appearance to the newer Fairlies. Key distinguishing features include the shorter wheelbase and overall length, lower/narrower cab-side sheets, sandpots mounted higher on the tanks, domes closer to the cab-front, and the protruding top and bottom lips on the front of the power bogies. On the right stands a young Will Davies (then a fireman). The guard standing on the balcony of the Brown Marshalls van (either No. 4 or 5) is Charles Beresford.

The slate roofed lean-to building behind the locomotive and station is the quarrymen's train shelter, which was accessed via the goods yard.

Source. GM Perkins per Roger Carpenter.

FR Catalogue. DF/JS/ /B

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