Duffws Station looking towards Queen's Bridge.

Duffws Station looking towards Queen's Bridge.
Duffws Station looking towards Queen's Bridge.
Duffws Station looking towards Queen's Bridge.
Geolocation data
(52°59′42″N, 3°56′1″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Duffws Station looking towards Queen's Bridge.
Duffws Station looking Down towards Queen's Bridge, 5 September 1906. In the platform road is the back portion of the quarrymen's train. This might form the midweek working (the full train only running Monday and Saturday). It comprises a mk3 quarrymen's carriage, Ashbury No. 22, and Curly Roofed Van No. 1.

The slate waggons are all iron FR 3-ton and 2-ton varieties. The nearest gunpowder van is quite large with high sides and does not look like one of the surviving examples. The second one is a similar profile to No. 152. It has extra strapping holding the body down, which might mean it is on a wooden underframe. In-between these are a pair of wooden 4-ton coal waggons (fitted with different brake handles, one is pinned, the other ratchet). Looking further down the siding there is a large wooden open waggon, a pair of loaded wooden bolster waggons, and more coal waggons, including iron 3-ton and wooden 2-ton varieties.

Source. Norman Kerr Series 104 per Roy Cunningham

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