Princess and Livingston Thompson at Duffws Station.

Princess and Livingston Thompson at Duffws Station.
Princess and Livingston Thompson at Duffws Station.
Princess and Livingston Thompson at Duffws Station.
Geolocation data
(52°59′41″N, 3°56′5″W)
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iBase ID
Princess and Livingston Thompson at Duffws Station.
Princess and Livingston Thompson at Duffws Station. Note how the Fairlie's vacuum pipe goes around the outside of the side tank. This dates the scene to either 1896 or 1895, this being the year that Princess underwent a rebuild. It was the last of the original England locomotives to be rebuilt with a saddle tank and cab. The condition of the locomotive, seen here on top shunter duties, supports this date, the paintwork being in very good condition. Note the fireman's shovel, poker, and rake sticking up in the tender, the ejector brake inside the cab, and the chain on the rear of the tender enabling the crew to unhook from trains without dismounting.

The large wooden 4-ton goods waggon is carrying a sheeted load, not the usual bulk goods such as coal. Using tarpaulin in this fashion allowed the large goods waggons to carry flour and other perishable goods that would otherwise require a fully covered van. Many of the railway's vans were in fact conversions from earlier 4-ton waggons, and later scenes tend to show a greater use of covered goods vans instead of tarpaulined open waggons. Note the iron bolster waggon on the siding to the left.

Source. ?

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