Merddin Emrys & Up mixed train at Stesion Fain.

Merddin Emrys & Up mixed train at Stesion Fain.
Merddin Emrys & Up mixed train at Stesion Fain.
Merddin Emrys & Up mixed train at Stesion Fain.
Geolocation data
(52°59′43″N, 3°56′38″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Merddin Emrys & Up mixed train at Stesion Fain.
Merddin Emrys & Up mixed train at Stesion Fain in June 1939. Mechanical draincocks and smokebox plate mark the locomotive's most recent rebuild, but were only installed towards the end of the decade. These, together with the vertical lamp bracket on the front apron (which replaced the traditional design during the final year of passenger services) helps date the scene, as does the mineral line on the left which has been partially lifted. The tall fireman could be William R. Williams.

Goods vans, slate waggon empties, and a brake van are attached behind passenger Bogie Van No. 2. The first bogie carriage (Ashbury No. 22) is visibly sagging. One of the covered goods vans appears to be No. 1 (mk3 quarrymen's conversion with sliding doors). The Small Birmingham 4-wheeler carriages are matchboard 3rd class No. 5, and porthole semi-open No. 11.

Source. LGRP 3484
FR Catalogue. BN/ME/ /C

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