Looking to LNW exchange from Glan y Pwll footbridge. Up home in foreground. 1947.

Looking to LNW exchange from Glan y Pwll footbridge. Up home in foreground. 1947.
Looking to LNW exchange from Glan y Pwll footbridge. Up home in foreground. 1947.
Looking to LNW exchange from Glan y Pwll footbridge. Up home in foreground. 1947.
Geolocation data
(52°59′46″N, 3°56′46″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Looking to LNW exchange from Glan y Pwll footbridge. Up home in foreground. 1947.
Looking to LNW exchange from Glan y Pwll footbridge. Up home in foreground. 1947.

Source. LGRP 13117
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