Bedford - Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn y Pyg (Pig)

Bedford - Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn y Pyg (Pig)
Bedford - Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn y Pyg (Pig)
Bedford - Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn y Pyg (Pig)
Geolocation data
52°59′40″N, 3°56′26″W (52°55′18″N, 4°7′50″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Bedford - Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn y Pyg (Pig)
Bedford - Porthmadog Harbour from Clogwyn y Pyg (Pig). c1874/5. Original Harbour Station buildings upper right. Clearance behind WSCo/Diffws Casson wharves lower centre - using FR low open wagons? (Evidence of letting on nearest wagon). Wharf wagons with corner posts and rope (?) sides.

Source. Bedford 1623 - AG Collection
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