Valentine - Welsh Pony at Duffws Station, Version 1

Valentine - Welsh Pony at Duffws Station, Version 1
Valentine - Welsh Pony at Duffws Station, Version 1
Valentine - Welsh Pony at Duffws Station, Version 1
Geolocation data
(52°59′41″N, 3°56′7″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Valentine - Welsh Pony at Duffws Station, Version 1
Welsh Pony at Duffws Station 1886. Version 1, Welsh Pony in near original condition. Ashbury 4 wheeler 3rd left and empty slate wagons on the right. Rare scene where both mk3 and mk2 quarrymen's carriages were in use at the same time, including spare carriages underneath the sheltered to road on the right.

Source. Valentine 6415
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