Bleasdale No.36 Tan-y-Grisiau Station.

Bleasdale No.36 Tan-y-Grisiau Station.
Bleasdale No.36 Tan-y-Grisiau Station.
Bleasdale No.36 Tan-y-Grisiau Station.
Geolocation data
(52°59′8″N, 3°57′42″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Bleasdale No.36 Tan-y-Grisiau Station.
Tan-y-Grisiau Station photographed in August 1887, This photograph is Plate 33 in the Spooner Album. Wagons on (goods) loop. Turntable access to goods shed. Double arm semaphore.

The mineral waggons here are interesting, being of distinct types and sizes. There are four of the smaller inside bearing open waggons (of which the beer waggon is a modern day replica) although the two in the middle rake differ somewhat. Note the 0-16-0 tare weight on the nearest 2-plank inside bearing waggon just visible on the far left of shot. The other waggons include larger 3-ton & 4-ton coal waggon of both wooden and iron construction, plus one of the Horse Dandy waggons.

FR Catalogue TG/04A

Source. Bleasdale.
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