Bleasdale No.27 Curve and view of Maentwrog (Tan-y-Bwlch) near residence of W.E.Oakeley, Esq

Bleasdale No.27 Curve and view of Maentwrog (Tan-y-Bwlch) near residence of W.E.Oakeley, Esq
Bleasdale No.27 Curve and view of Maentwrog (Tan-y-Bwlch) near residence of W.E.Oakeley, Esq
Bleasdale No.27 Curve and view of Maentwrog (Tan-y-Bwlch) near residence of W.E.Oakeley, Esq
Geolocation data
(52°56′42″N, 4°0′36″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Bleasdale No.27 Curve and view of Maentwrog (Tan-y-Bwlch) near residence of W.E.Oakeley, Esq
View of line from Tro Keepers to Plas Private photographed in August 1887. This photograph is Plate 25 in the Spooner Album.

Source. Bleasdale
FR Catalogue. PL/01A
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