Bleasdale No.25 Penrhyn Station

Bleasdale No.25 Penrhyn Station
Bleasdale No.25 Penrhyn Station
Bleasdale No.25 Penrhyn Station
Geolocation data
(52°56′7″N, 4°3′51″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Bleasdale No.25 Penrhyn Station
Penrhyn Station photographed in August 1887. This photograph is Plate 22 in the Spooner Album. Harry Owen, Stationmaster standing in front of the station. Picket fence separating the goods yard from the platform area. Two open wooden waggons are in the yard, one has unusual rounded ends. Double arm semaphore, capstan for disc signal. Point rodding under embankment on right hand side.

FR Catalogue PN/P/01A

Source. Bleasdale.
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