Bleasdale No.24: Minffordd Junction Station.

Bleasdale No.24: Minffordd Junction Station.
Bleasdale No.24: Minffordd Junction Station.
Bleasdale No.24: Minffordd Junction Station.
Geolocation data
(52°55′33″N, 4°5′4″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Bleasdale No.24: Minffordd Junction Station.
Minffordd Station and a passenger train hauled by James Spooner, photographed in August 1887. This photograph is Plate 22 in the Spooner Album. Double arm semaphore of lines on the left and disc capstan just visible behind the pillar on the right. The locomotive is yet to be rebuilt, retaining the original boiler and long shallow water tanks. The train consists of an Ashbury 4-wheeler carriage, Small Birmingham 4-wheeler carriages, including fully open and semi-open 1st class types, bogie carriages Nos 15 & 16, and Brown Marshalls Van No. 4 or 5.

Looking to the staff on and around the van, the Station Master is William Yoxall who also performed this role for the Cambrian. Inspector Thomas Henry Hovendon (who always gets himself into such photos) is to the right on the van balcony.

Note the size of the oak tree on the platform, indicating a decent age even at this time. The advertising sign over the booking office window is for Powell's balsam of aniseed, a cough medicine.

Source. Bleasdale.
FR Catalogue. MN/P/01A

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