XD97/415119 - Croesor Railway around Porthmadog

XD97/415119 - Croesor Railway around Porthmadog
XD97/415119 - Croesor Railway around Porthmadog
XD97/415119 - Croesor Railway around Porthmadog
Geolocation data
52°55′13″N, 4°6′16″W (52°55′39″N, 4°7′42″W)
Item details
iBase ID
XD97/415119 - Croesor Railway around Porthmadog
Croesor Railway. Tracing from deposited plan (enlarged plan) November 1864. [Shews area from the old sluice bridge to the commencement of the extension line; Authorized line of Carnarvonshire Railway with the Aberystwyth & Welsh Coast Railway, Mill, Gasworks and Gorsedda Tramway...]
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