Valentine - Merddin Emrys at Porthmadog Harbour Station.

Valentine - Merddin Emrys at Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Valentine - Merddin Emrys at Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Valentine - Merddin Emrys at Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Geolocation data
(52°55′26″N, 4°7′34″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Valentine - Merddin Emrys at Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Merddin Emrys at Porthmadog Harbour Station. The train includes a mk3 quarrymen's carriage, a 3rd class Small Birmingham 4-wheeler, Bowsiders Nos 19 & 20, and Brown Marshalls Van No. 4 or 5. The locomotive is in its final period of service with the original boiler. It retains the large spectacle plates, stovepipe chimneys, and separate smokebox handrails front and sides. It is also fitted with vacuum which dates the scene around 1893. Note the advertisements on the station wall and the masts and spars in the harbour.

Post card Harbour Station, Porthmadog. Copy of tinted Valentines 19660 in PQ Treloar collection. Postmarked 6.15pm 21st August 1911, Porthmadog.

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