Frith - Festiniog & Blaenau train at Llan Ffestiniog Station

Frith - Festiniog & Blaenau train at Llan Ffestiniog Station
Frith - Festiniog & Blaenau train at Llan Ffestiniog Station
Frith - Festiniog & Blaenau train at Llan Ffestiniog Station
Geolocation data
approx (52°57′34″N, 3°55′47″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Frith - Festiniog & Blaenau train at Llan Ffestiniog Station
A Ffestiniog & Blaenau train having arrived at Llan Ffestiniog station c1871. Locomotive No.2 (Manning Wardle works number 260) fitted with sandpots and access steps for filling the tank since the makers photograph.
Source. Frith 5519
FR Collection FB/02A
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