James Spooner at Porthmadog Harbour Station.

James Spooner at Porthmadog Harbour Station.
James Spooner at Porthmadog Harbour Station.
James Spooner at Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Geolocation data
(52°55′25″N, 4°7′37″W)
Item details
iBase ID
James Spooner at Porthmadog Harbour Station.
James Spooner at Porthmadog Harbour Station.
Crest and monogram on cab sides, lipped chimneys, overall cab. Fireman's side. Engine in this state Jan 1893 to Dec 1904.

FR catalogue No. JS/PT/01/B.
FR negative No. 53.
Source. LGRP 4875. Copy print from Whitworth collection.
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