James Spooner at Minffordd Station.

James Spooner at Minffordd Station.
James Spooner at Minffordd Station.
James Spooner at Minffordd Station.
Geolocation data
(52°55′34″N, 4°5′0″W)
Item details
iBase ID
James Spooner at Minffordd Station.
James Spooner on 8.20am Up train at Minffordd Station, 14 August 1913. This is an early scene showing Small Birmingham carriages rebuilt with matchboard sides, and a fully glazed porthole carriage. The visible bogie carriages are Ashbury No. 22 and Brown Marshalls No. 15. Out of site at the rear are No. 16 and Brown Marshalls Van No. 4 or 5. Note the double arm signal and the lined livery and garters on the locomotive.

Source. Ken Nunn 1578

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