Deviation train at Spooner's Hollow.

Deviation train at Spooner's Hollow.
Deviation train at Spooner's Hollow.
Deviation train at Spooner's Hollow.
Geolocation data
(52°57′42″N, 3°58′4″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Deviation train at Spooner's Hollow.
Deviation train at Spooner's Hollow, August 1974. Mountaineer collects RAF ballast waggon empties from Dragon site. Driver Phil Dowse can be seen walking back to the locomotive.

Note the ground frame at the top end of Dduallt station controlling the crossover and trap point for the old route up to the Tunnel Mess. Single balcony Brake Van No. 2 can be glimpsed in the distance at the bottom end of the station platform.

F43/8 - Appears in FRM 66 Taken by Norman Gurley (labeled FR Co.)

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