Busta returned to Boston Lodge.

Busta returned to Boston Lodge.
Busta returned to Boston Lodge.
Busta returned to Boston Lodge.
Geolocation data
(52°55′9″N, 4°6′24″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Busta returned to Boston Lodge.
Busta returned to Boston Lodge Works, 23 January 1955. It is seen here outside the doors to 3-Road Erecting Shop in the Bottom Yard.

Left to right - ?, ?, Bill Hoole, ?, ?, AM Davies, Ian Smart, and Norman Gurley.

Note the bespoke old company rolling stock on display, specifically the braked PW 'Will Jones' trolley and the weed-killer waggon. Simplex Mary Ann can be glimpsed inside the Erecting Shop.

Source. AGWG per NF Gurley

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