Merddin Emrys departing Dduallt.

Merddin Emrys departing Dduallt.
Merddin Emrys departing Dduallt.
Merddin Emrys departing Dduallt.
Geolocation data
(52°57′34″N, 3°58′8″W)
Item details
iBase ID
Merddin Emrys departing Dduallt.
Merddin Emrys departing Dduallt, 1972. The Observation Car is No. 101. The locomotive is still coal fired, but has two people on the fireman's side which is surely unusual. The body of Van 1 is in use as a signal box on the left, whilst up on the Deviation work continues extracting rock and soil with loaded skip waggons. Note the shunt limit board in the cutting, allowing a locomotive to run round its train without requiring the staff.

Source - Paul and Moragh Bradshaw

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